What is Sensitive Santa?
December 4, 2019 | In: Uncategorized

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and we are excited to be hosting a Sensitive Santa event at We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym. What exactly IS “Sensitive Santa” and how can he bring a little extra joy this season? It is a popular holiday tradition to meet Santa and his helpers and pose for photos. But for kids with special needs, meeting Santa can be a sensory-overloading experience due to long lines, loud music, and bright camera flashes. That’s why We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym is bringing a sensory-friendly Santa experience for our We Rockers!

What makes Sensitive Santa so great? Our Sensitive Santa and his helpers have past experience working with children on the spectrum. They build an experience around our kids’ unique needs, making the experience as smooth as possible for all family members. Children will finally get to meet Santa in a sensory-friendly and calm environment—no long lines, no loud sounds, and low camera flashes. While children wait, they will have access to our entire gym and sensory-safe equipment. And that’s not all! Every child will also receive a special gift from Santa, while supplies last.
Come to We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym and enjoy the time-honored tradition of a visit with our Sensitive Santa. Our Sensitive Santa event will be happening on December 5th from 5 pm to 8 pm, December 6th from 4 pm to 7 pm and December 7th from 10:30 am to 3 pm. Register here!
Check out all the action from past years: